The Liverpool World Centre (LWC) has been making world issues relevant to the lives of young people since 2000.

School is a crucial part of a young person’s life, therefore we work with children and teachers to facilitate understanding of global issues and promote positive social change. We use issues such as Fairtrade, Climate Change and Citizenship to explore the relationships of young people with each other and those in the wider world. These are explored using participatory methods developing thinking skills and positive action. Since 2009, we have drawn on these experiences and expertise to train teachers in higher education.

Our Mission Statement

To empower people to work for global and social justice in their local and global community.

Our Values

  • We value those who we work with and seek to support them to realise their full potential
  • Our working practice will be non-judgemental, but rather helping people to think about their lives
  • We will work to empower and support people so that their voices are heard
  • We value our core vision and will challenge practices and policies to implement this
  • We will run an organization that is as globally and environmentally sustainable as possible

Our Overall Aims

  • To educate about and challenge global and social injustice, by primarily working with young people, using approaches in understanding global issues that reflect innovative thinking and methods from around the world
  • To ensure that the voices of those we work with are fundamental to our ways of working and to bring about changes in organisational cultures to ensure that they are heard, understood and acted upon
  • To provide a focal point and be a catalyst for joint initiatives with global justice groups and others

Key aims for 2019

  • Reach more people through events
  • Influence decision makers
  • Develop a communities’ strategy
  • Increase Global Learning (GL) work with Higher Education Intuitions (HEIs) by developing a clear strategy

LWC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres, the largest provider of global learning and development education services at the local level in England. CoDEC has 20 organisations across England and has a combined staff of 60 and turnover of £2 million. CoDEC delivered 50% of the Global Learning Programme (GLP) which reached nearly 8,000 schools, supporting 40,000 teachers to embed global learning in the curriculum in order to benefit 500,000 pupils. Nearly 50% of GLP CPD courses (over 700) were delivered by CoDEC members to over 2,600 teachers.