Can our students be inspired to make a difference? Ways teachers can support and develop Student Engagement and Action
The Liverpool World Centre has been initiating student action campaigns in our ten GUAG pilot schools. The key aims of this work have been to:
- Involve the pupils in more of the decision making
- Give them the global learning understanding around the SDGs and explain the GUAG project so they get the bigger picture
- Encourage pupil creativity and involvement from the start of the planning process
“You are never too small to make a difference”– Greta Thunberg, Speech at the COP24
Teachers are active role models and the work they do in school can support and inspire their young students to care about the world they live in and make a difference to their communities. We have encouraged our teachers to consider the types of campaigning activities that can have a greater impact on leading change. Teachers have been looking at the merits of pupils lobbying the powerful, using social media to share ideas, donating to charity, making a leaflet or making different choices in their lives.
“The students really enjoyed the projects and it’s so important, particularly at the moment, to educate them on looking after the planet.” -Nikki Ward, GUAG Lead at St Cuthbert’s High School
The UK campaigns that have been delivered so far include, amongst others, a focus on ‘ Gender Equality’ with an exhibition done by Rainhill High School, St Helens, Merseyside and raising awareness on Climate Change done by St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School in St Helens, Merseyside. In addition, pupils have taken part in a lantern walk, building a plastic tree and some pupils at St Bede’s Catholic High School in Ormskirk, West Lancashire are now in the middle of the development of a piece of music and lyrics all about the SDGs and developing a more sustainable way of life on the planet. LWC are now in the planning stages to develop some campaigns for the autumn to ensure we continue to give young people a voice at this challenging moment for the world. In response to the Covid-19 global pandemic, action campaigns in the UK and other project countries are being moved to an online platform.