LWC hosted over 30 teachers, NGOs and global learning specialists at their GUAG event last week. This was our second GUAG Conference and delegates gathered with interest to understand better how they could embed the SDGs and themes such as Climate Change, Migration, Gender Inequality and International Inequality into their day to day teaching practice.
The day started with an excellent session from Vikki Pendry, Strategic Director of the Curriculum Foundation. This was called ‘Exploring Global Learning for Personal Development’. She works as a curriculum adviser and is able to show schools how to work towards SDG 4 Quality Education for All. Her expertise in global learning enables her to encourage teachers on how to develop innovative teaching and learning programmes and resources. She got teachers thinking about what is meant by ‘the Curriculum’ using the following quote:
“Think of the curriculum as a forecast of possibilities within an arena of opportunities” Carla Rinaldi
Vikki stated that the new Ofsted Inspection framework offers opportunities for teachers to embed aspects of global learning into their day to day practice. Inspectors will be looking for curriculum flexibility, curriculum design and sequencing, and embedding ‘cultural capital’ into different aspects of school life. She also explored with delegates the possibilities offered by the new inspection framework linked to Personal Development. If teachers are able to successfully bring the skills of Global Citizenship Education into their classrooms inspectors should see an increase in the quality of debate amongst young people, more critical thinking and engagement and a better appreciation of issues linked to areas around equality and diversity. Her sessions were thought provoking and really enthused our audience to try different approaches when back in school after the half term break.
LWC ran a session to discuss the benefits of using a Self-Assessment Tool as a means of establishing where schools sat on their Global Learning journey. This tool enables discussion with global learning experts and then some action planning to ensure that schools are moving forward on this issue.
In the afternoon one school showcased how they had put their beliefs about issues connected to sustainability into action by working with Iceland Foods. All Saints Catholic Primary School in Anfield are doing some amazing work throughout the school and impacting in many ways on the local community. The SDGs are embedded into all year groups with wonderful SDG tapestries decorating the assembly hall. Daisy and Poppy 2 young pupils encourages the teacher audience to do the same back in their schools and then presented us all with a pack of seeds. They have recently encouraged Iceland Foods to support a project called Backyard Nature to ensure that more plant growing takes places as one way to encourage more bees.
The final session was delivered by the International Slavery Museum, delegates were able to explore the use of artefacts which could support pupils learning about the legacy of slavery and the impact on prejudice today. Contact the Museum if you would like to take pupils to explore the resources they have, funding may be available for certain postcodes.
Overall it was an invigorating day with many practical ideas for inspiring young people and a better understanding of the value of using the SDGs in the classroom
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