Working towards a sustainable future in all communities to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
Last week the Liverpool World Centre were delighted to run a Conference for primary school pupils on the theme of Zero Plastic. This event involved 4 Sefton/Liverpool Primary schools and 50 year 5 pupils and was hosted by English Martyrs Catholic Primary School in Sefton. We were also delighted to work with young pupils from Sierra Leonne in Liverpool as part of an exchange programme.
The day started with fun ice breakers and then a more serious look at the challenge of ‘Zero Waste’ with a focus on plastic. Pupils were also involved in learning about the Sustainable Development Goals. In the afternoon the groups worked on an enterprise project and were challenged to design a product that could be used in everyday life made out of recycle plastic.
Each primary school presented their work to the group and often performed poems, songs and RAPs in their enthusiasm for persuading people that they had the best product. These ranged from Bird houses, to musical instruments to household bins. A fun day was had by all and the young people will now return to their schools and lead the ‘Zero Plastic ‘challenge with their fellow pupils.
This was a great way to investigate the SDGs in a shared learning environment.