Teachers at the recent GUAG Conference were inspired by the active citizenship of one school and in particular two young pupils who have been campaigning around the SDGs and using their role as the Eco Emeralds to inspire sustainable projects.
Poppy and Daisy gave an excellent presentation to the audience where they explained what they had been doing at school to develop a greater awareness of sustainability amongst their fellow pupils. Both are passionate about making a difference and their first school campaign was to get the school canteen to not use palm oil. They then moved on to advise the board at Iceland Foods about the issues being caused by the decline of bees. Out of this came a project backed by Richard Walker, the Managing director of Iceland Foods, who realised that there was a need to back projects that encouraged young people to develop nature within their local communities. This project is called Backyard Nature and is run by Semble, the UK’s leading organisation for grassroots community projects.
Credit: Backyard Nature
Poppy and Daisy ended their presentation by giving out packs of seeds and asking the conference delegates to plant these as a way of ensuring we all do our bit to protect bees.