At the recent GUAG event held at Liverpool Hope University teachers received an excellent presentation from Matt Farrell who works at a local Liverpool Primary School – All Saints Catholic Primary School in Anfield.
Jacquie Ayre the LWC Global Learning Education Officer asked Matt a few questions about the school’s approach to global learning.
- Why is it important to teach pupils about the Sustainable Development Goals?
‘Using the Sustainable Development Goals as a teaching tool enables teachers to quickly and accurately broaden children’s view point of the world. A world which is rapidly shrinking due to the rise of technology, though the challenges in our world are also become more urgent.’
- How can pupils benefit from doing lessons where the focus of global learning is embedded in the curriculum.
Global learning is very inclusive when taught in the classroom. Children are able to form their own opinions and then use their own judgement to assess what is causing a problem. With children at our school adopting a SDG, we’ve enabled learners to become more comfortable when talking about global issues. Children who are able to can then share their learning with others.
- Why do you think it’s important to teach about climate change/international inequality?
We are currently preparing and empowering children to not only understand issues our planet is facing, but to develop solutions for the issues. Our children are then able to act on a small scale in the home and at school and if given the opportunity, on a larger scale.
- Why do you think it’s important to encourage young people to become Active Citizens?
Time and time again there are newspaper reports stating that business leaders are not able to find the skills they need in the employment market. Children who are Active Citizens have skills which future employers will be astounded by.
- The ability to talk with confidence about challenging topics, using high level vocabulary.
- Being able to listen to audiences, process their thoughts and provide thought provoking responses.
- Resilience- not willing just to accept situations for what they are and having the determination and ingenuity to create change.
- Most of all, working in a team. It’s impossible to any of the above on your own.
As Matt shows global learning can be a fantastic way to inspire pupils and get them thinking about the challenges that face the world in the 21st Century.