Giving Young People a Voice on Global Issues
20-08-20Can our students be inspired to make a difference? Ways teachers can support and develop Student Engagement and Action ...

Let’s Make a World of Difference
14-08-20Get Up and Goals Project: Progress and Resources The Liverpool World Centre (LWC) based in the city of Liverpool...

Adaptation (n) the process of changing to suit different conditions
18-12-19‘In a world shaped by artificial intelligence, education is no longer just about teaching people something, but about helping...

Get Up and Goals! Italy Conference
02-12-19I attended the conference as a guest of the British GUAG group led by Liverpool World Centre. I am...

How can young people be inspired to get involved in active Citizenship?
18-11-19Teachers at the recent GUAG Conference were inspired by the active citizenship of one school and in particular two...

One School’s View of Global Learning
15-11-19At the recent GUAG event held at Liverpool Hope University teachers received an excellent presentation from Matt Farrell who...

A stakeholder’s view on Global Learning and the Vienna Conference
04-11-19All too often in politics, you spend time in rooms with decision makers and those seeking to influence their...

GUAG Event: Exploring Global Learning
28-10-19LWC hosted over 30 teachers, NGOs and global learning specialists at their GUAG event last week. This was our...

The value of embedding the Sustainable Development Goals in the school curriculum
23-10-19Jacquie Ayre, the Liverpool World Centre’s Global Learning Education Officer, recently met with Amy McDowall who works at Manchester...